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In 2021, as in the previous years, training activities related to World Heart Day were held for a week under the title of Isfahan World Heart Week.

The focus of World Heart Week was the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination and continued prevention efforts, its complications, and effects on cardiovascular disease, familial hypercholesterolemia, and awareness of lifestyle modification to prevent and control cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

These activities were implemented by the Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Institute in cooperation with the Isfahan Heart Friends Scientific Association, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Chamran Heart Hospital, Isfahan Health Centers 1 and 2, Isfahan Education, and the Isfahan Heart Friends NGO.

World Heart Week's training activities were intended for the general public. In the meantime, training was provided for specific groups such as children and adolescents.

The programs were run both face-to-face and virtual. In the face-to-face part of the training in the local vaccination centers, while observing the COVID-19 prevention protocols, training was provided in the form of educational pamphlets distribution and training by the students of the medical sciences university.

In the virtual part, a clip with the “use the heart to connect” slogan was prepared and informed to the public. Also, educational clips and Corogame game and painting competitions were prepared for students and sent to the target group in cooperation with Isfahan Education. Posters, stands, and informational and educational banners were also sent to medical centers and also were published in social media. Instagram Live was also held to inform and educate people.